2003 2004 2005 2006

2004-12-30 - NSPA: Not-So-Public Announcement
2004-12-12 - Thanks, Dad.
2004-11-18 - Sirens and Mommy and Cops, oh my.
2004-11-14 - "All she talked about was you, your mom, and book club."
2004-10-20 - Go back! My school is that way!
2004-10-09 - Ack.
2004-10-08 - Quotes... not now.
2004-10-02 - Misplaced karma.
2004-09-24 - Shabby Shack
2004-09-11 - Soon, by my definition
2004-09-06 - beef [pan] cake
2004-09-02 - Dinner discussion, in public
2004-08-24 - This is too short.
2004-08-11 - And that's all there is; There isn't anymore.
2004-08-07 - "Mr. Bush, you have an impressive resume. Unfortunately..."
2004-07-30 - Help! I've fallen and I can't get up.
2004-07-20 - Highlight of My Night
2004-07-19 - Terror on the knee
2004-07-16 - Procrastinate some more, why don't you?
2004-07-15 - Corsets and cinchers are GONE, oh my!
2004-07-10 - Lolita: a precociously seductive girl
2004-07-05 - Oxymoron of the day: airport security
2004-07-03 - Non-writers' block
2004-06-24 - Mini-page of quotes
2004-06-15 - Solved (and unsolved) mysteries
2004-06-14 - I can handle snot.
2004-06-12 - No more WHINE, just some cheese.
2004-06-09 - Yes, I would like some cheese with my WHINE.
2004-06-07 - The Diary of Romeo Montague
2004-06-06 - TEST ENTRY
2004-06-05 - Streaming gold in liquid form
2004-06-02 - Beauty and brains
2004-05-28 - "Sunuvuhbich"
2004-05-23 - hei ava gf!!!!
2004-05-18 - Kindly step away, bitch.
2004-05-12 - In Liberia, Iyo must mean idiot.
2004-05-11 - Dear [annoying] non-singles
2004-05-10 - Scissors and Penis and Jobs, oh my!
2004-05-08 - I didn't close the lid.
2004-05-02 - Originality: From Kirby to Irby
2004-04-30 - Ugh! (pun intended)
2004-04-29 - Mommy to my mommy, in a good way.
2004-04-27 - Pro-Choice Majority, part 2
2004-04-25 - Pro-Choice Majority
2004-04-24 - March for Choice
2004-04-21 - You thought I couldn't win, right?
2004-04-19 - Anti-Heatstroke! Boycott the heat!
2004-04-18 - First birthday! (No, not mine, silly!)
2004-04-18 - I hate it when people say sorry. So, sorry guys.
2004-04-16 - Chicken No-Noodle Soup
2004-04-13 - Period Entry=No comments. Mom Entry=Period comments.
2004-04-12 - And you thought I was weird!
2004-04-09 - As if you didn't already know I was weird...
2004-04-01 - Error
2004-04-01 - April Fool's!
2004-03-31 - My tongue wasn't always disfigured, I swear!
2004-03-29 - Waiters, and rudeness, and tips, oh my!
2004-03-29 - Design
2004-03-28 - Contact me!
2004-03-23 - A little sucky-wucky for Mr. Robinson?
2004-03-22 - 1st Monthly Challenge!
2004-03-19 - Smooth. That's [not] me.
2004-03-13 - Bleed American? Hur?
2004-03-10 - Glad it's over.
2004-03-05 - Two (2) things.
2004-03-03 - Punk ass car done made me git up!
2004-03-02 - Green eggs and ham are Atkins-friendly!
2004-02-29 - Assholes, emo kids, and more!
2004-02-26 - Pride all around. Fun!
2004-02-24 - Who's coming over for breakfast?!
2004-02-22 - This [kind of, but not really] old layout.
2004-02-19 - Commenting is a virtue.
2004-02-12 - But Barbie and Ken were so happy together!
2004-02-10 - Half-assed quotes
2004-02-08 - Pancake was wrong. This concert was AWESOME.
2004-02-06 - Half-assed analogy: Concert is to orgasm...
2004-02-01 - SUPER Super Bowl
2004-02-01 - It's a binge! It's a buffet! No, it's Atkins!
2004-01-28 - Oh well!
2004-01-23 - "Pangeline: The So-Late-That-Your-Kids-Have-Already-Snuck-Out Late Night Show"
2004-01-20 - What'd you do with my other armpits?!
2003-01-19 - New Diary!
2003-01-16 - Don't hurt me. Happy birthday, alright?!
2004-01-12 - Two too many.
2004-01-10 - Private entry.
2004-01-09 - Paris and DC
2004-01-06 - Can I touch your...fruit? ;]
2004-01-03 - Oh, the HORROR!
2003-07-12 - Pancake: Sad panda?

It might make you feel better
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