Oxymoron of the day: airport security
2004-07-05 at 8:44 AM

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Today, I embarked on a trip to the airport. No, I didn't go on vacation early (that'll be on the 21st). Instead, I helped someone begin their vacation by taking them to the airport. As usual, I was amazed at the organization of the airport security personnel. Everyone works in unison, and with precise accuracy. When I leave on the 21st, I will feel safe.

The fact that the screeners didn't recheck the luggage after we added more stuff to it makes me feel safe.

The fact that 99% of the airport workers couldn't speak English fluently makes me feel safe.

The fact that one of the few English speaking pseudo-security guards was rapping to himself makes me feel safe.

The fact that a wheelchair escort told me to watch, "for a few minutes", an elderly woman she had been "taking care of" as she went to get another wheelchair makes me feel safe.

The fact that I was let past the security checkpoint without the required boarding pass makes me feel safe.

The fact that Americans think patriotism is best shown by supporting an incompetent president makes me proud to be an American.

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