Oh well!
2004-01-28 at 2:25 p.m.

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I just read the most disgusting thing in an online magazine. Here's what one subscriber submitted, in response to the question,"What did you think of President Bush's State of the Union Address?":

i'm a big bush fan, and i was for the war in iraq, and i feel he put the protestors in their place if they would care to listen. he also said some very good things about steroids, education, and other issues.. one thing i disagree with is his bringing religion into many things, mentioning God a few times in his speech.. and i oppose his view on gay marriage.. oh well though! he's a great president. ;)

Yeah. 'Oh well!' Who cares if certain Americans are denied rights? It's just great that we went to war, right? What the hell is that? "I support gay rights, but President Bush doesn't. Oh well! :D"

[The online magazine that appeared in is great, by the way. It's all about teaching you how things work. If you'd like to subscribe, let me know and I'll tell you how. And yes, it's free.]

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