Mini-page of quotes
2004-06-24 at 2:51 AM

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[Note: Watch Fahrenheit 9/11-- it's amazing.]

"Megalopo-shit!" --Me, after discussing the meaning of megalopolis and seeing a long log of feces prominently displayed in the middle of the kitchen floor.

"What, they're not even going to say,'Have a great summer' on our last day?!" --Classmate, distraught over the inconsiderate actions of our many administrators.

"What are you in detention for?"
"Who's your administrator?"
"Mr. Helter."
"Aww, man. You should've shed a few tears. You could've gotten out of it with him." --school staff member, giving "break out of jail free" tips.

Conversation about the size of my feet:
"Your foot doesn't even take up a whole square [of tile]."
"It takes up like a third of a square."
"Can you imagine if your foot was a square?"

"You haven't read 'Chicka Chicka Boom Boom?!' " --Me, in awe. Who could overlook that amazing book?

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