Half-assed quotes
2004-02-10 at 7:40 PM

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Half-assed quotes, anyone? I say half-assed because I don't feel like adding captions to them all. Use your imagination on the ones that are lacking.

"Last year, I was absent for like...14 days! That's, like, forever! I never came to school!"

"Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! You never pick me! Ugh... It's probably because I whine like that."

"Put your butt back in your pants!"

"My sister bit me! She's 23!"

"I don't understand your camel language!" --'Camel language' refers to a language otherwise know as 'French'.

-"Okay, everyone. Close your books. Good. [Says some odd French word.] Don't look in your book!"
--"Can you spell that?"
-"Ugh... Look in your book!"

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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