Sirens and Mommy and Cops, oh my.
2004-11-18 at 3:03 PM

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Remember back when you were five years old, and you and Mommy were cruising along in a residential neighborhood at 45 MPH? It was real neat, especially when that siren started blaring and you turned around and saw those pretty, bright, flashing lights. Then your mommy yelled at you to turn around and not look at the police man.

Why would she say a thing like that? What's a little harmless staring going to do-- get your mommy an extra ticket?

Now I understand. Why didn't I think of this before? Of course! She was trying to avoid a situation like this: "Ma'am, you're getting two tickets today. One for reckless driving and one for that nosey little fucker in the booster seat."

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