Half-assed analogy: Concert is to orgasm...
2004-02-06 at 11:24 PM

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I wanted to add an entry four days ago. I couldn't, though, because of this:

"So we're having some more reports from a few people today that they can't get to the site..."

...and this:

"Okay, an update on the news item, this looks to be fixed as of late last night for everyone who it was affecting..."

It wasn't fixed for poor, pitiful Pancake, by the way.

I would end this little rant off with what I was originally going to say, but I've lost my add-a-funny-TailboneLust-entry appetite.

I will say, however, that I'm going to a concert tomorrow, which will suck. I like concerts in general, but concerts that don't have a personal pay off for me actually piss me off. (Look at that alliteration!) Kind of like a masturbation session with no orgasm. You understand.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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