March for Choice
2004-04-24 at 9:34 PM

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[I'm completely aware of the fact that this notice is rediculously late. Sorry!]

The March For Women's Lives is tomorrow!

If you live in or around DC, please try to make it. All you have to do is come to the mall (if you live in/near DC, I hope you know I don't mean a shopping mall) anytime before 4-ish PM. I'll be there volunteering on mall grid #5. If you'd like to meet me there, and are on the mall early in the day (as early as 7AM), ask the pink-shirt-clad staff at the Smithsonian Metro Station for directions to my grid. I'll be wearing braided pigtails and a bright pink shirt. If you're not on the mall early, good luck finding me amongst the 1,000,000+ people expected to attend.

I hope at least one of you all can make it to the march. If you can't make, but know someone who can, let them know! If you're one of the many unfortunate people who don't live in DC, watch the news during the march, and scan the website after the march for press coverage. I'll also post follow-up information by Monday afternoon.

Hope you can make it!

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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