What the hell does "TailboneLust" mean?!
2003-09-02 at 8:11 p.m.

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I've been getting Google hits for "tailbone pain", "bruised tailbone", and some other related things. Since this ties into the meaning behind my username, I figured I should write about it now.

A few years ago I thought it would be a "neat" idea to ride a scooter (complete with flashing lights and a wheelie bar that I never knew how to use) in my laundry room. I was on the scooter "pedaling" (or is it "scooting?") really fast from one end of the room to the other, when I all of a sudden looked up and realized that the washer was literally two feet away from me. I, of course, ran into the washer (Let's all laugh at Pancake for being stupid and riding a scooter, let alone riding it in the laundry room) and somehow the scooter slipped up from under me. I was falling, bum first, and since my hands were still holding onto the scooter's handlebars, I couldn't break my fall with them. I fell directly on my tailbone (and then the scooter fell on me). Let's all laugh again at Pancake... Good... Anyway, because I fell on my tailbone a few years ago, I now have coccydynia (tailbone pain).

Right. So the username... The night I made up this username, my tailbone was aching like crazy even when I was sitting properly. I remember thinking "I want a tailbone, one that WORKS." So pay attention, kids.

Tailbone: the last vertebrae. Lust: Intense desire (non-sexual, in this case). I have an intense desire for a tailbone that doesn't hurt. Get it? Good. So there you go, that's what TailboneLust means.

Oh, by the way, for those of you who are here because you searched for coccydynia, tailbone pain, or something along those lines, it's caused by childbirth, or trauma to the area, such as falling directly on it.

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