Oh, the HORROR!
2004-01-03 at 12:10 p.m.

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I just had a series of terrible, terrible dreams, all in one sleep session! In the first dream, I had heterosexual sex... with my cousin (whom I slightly dislike in real life, thank-you-very-much)! In the second dream, well... Heterosexual sex was involved. Oh, the horror! [The only good thing? Even in my dreams, I used a condom.] Poor underloved Tailbone Lust was stolen from me in my last dream. The person who stole it didn't even delete any entries! They just made new entries full of grammatical and typographical errors. Again... Oh, the horror!

Oh. By the way-- I'm back! Details on the trip later. One final thing: Europe is one big piece of shit! (Excluding the UK... and some other places. [Hooray for vagueness!])

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