"Pangeline: The So-Late-That-Your-Kids-Have-Already-Snuck-Out Late Night Show"
2004-01-23 at 11:11 p.m.

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Cliques (I pronounce it incorrectly: "cleeks") suck.

Moving on... Evangeline and I were going to have a talk show. Aside from the fact that we had no contract or even an agent, it was a done deal. We were definitely going to have a talk show. The name of it would be "Pangeline: The So-Late-That-Your-Kids-Have-Already-Snuck-Out Late Night Show". We were going to have amazingly intelligent guests. You know: Chuck Palahniuk, Hilary Clinton, Alice Sebold, Dr. Atkins (So what if he's dead?), Howard Dean ("And Maine! And Vermont! Wuh-AHHH!"), Dr. Phil ("It's because you spoil him!")...

Unfortunately, something terrible happened. We realized that we could not be host[esses] of "Pangeline: The So-Late-That-Your-Kids-Have-Already-Snuck-Out Late Night Show". Why? Because we would either ignore the guests and talk to each other, make fun of the guests, laugh uncontrollably at the guests, or make up our own jokes that only we understood. ::sigh:: And it was such a done deal too.

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