Pro-Choice Majority, part 2
2004-04-27 at 5:26 PM

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[Continuation of this entry.]

This image appeared on the front cover of The Washington Post on April 26th. It was taken from the top of the Washington Monument.

On the eve of the march, I was in Dupont Circle for the first time, getting more volunteering information. There was a small pre-march festival going on, so after getting my grid assignment for the march, I decided to hang out for a bit. There were large message boards propped up, with dozens of small sheets of paper posted on them, explaining different reasons for attending the march. Here are some of them:
"I'm marching because I can't feel comfortable with the government all up in my uterus."
"I'm marching for my grandmother, my mother, and my daughter."
"I'm marching because at 18, I needed a choice."

On the day of the march, someone precisely voiced my thoughts: "I'm so happy. I feel like I'm doing something really good."

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