Dinner discussion, in public
2004-09-02 at 12:54 AM

6 comment(s). Add yours.

Me: Can we get a hotel room Saturday night?
Him: Yeah. What are we going to do there?
[Silence, followed by multiple bouts of laughter.]
Him: ...Are you going to put this on TailboneLust?
Me: Yes.
Him: Can you put it up soon so I can read it?

[A bit later...]

Him: So...at the hotel, are we going to... [pause]
Me: What?
Him: You know...
Me: What?
Him: Th-the thing w-with the genitals.

[More than 'a bit' later...]

Me: Do you have three dollar bills?
Him: They don't make those!
Me: Three one dollar bills.

[Much more than 'a bit' later...]

Him: I really wish I hadn't shaved my right ass.

[Much, much later...]

Me: You won't be personally identified on TailboneLust, so don't leave a comment personally identifying yourself. This means: no email address, no URL, and as for the name...do you want me to refer to you as "him" or do you want a nickname?
Him: A nickname, please.
Me: Decide what you want to be referred to as, then let me know.


Me: Have you decided what you want your nickname to be?
Him: Sssnake.

[A few minutes ago.]

Him: I just read the entry about the hand on your left tit, and I got jealous.
Me: Why?
Him: I don't know, I just felt jealous.
Me: Of...yourself?
Him: Yeah.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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