Help! I've fallen and I can't get up.
2004-07-30 at 8:41 PM

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I've been off of the Lexapro and tetracycline (and on the booze) which means I'm pimply, greasy, and irrational (I'm being rational about the pimple factor, though).

Example #1: My dog made me cry today. When I came home, after 10 (9?) days of missing Irby, I expected him to leap into my arms, dripping with a solution of joy and relief. What did he do when he saw moi his cherie, his beloved owner? He ran towards and passed me, leaping into my mother's arms. Deeply pained, I pointed this out to my mother. She replied sincerely,"Oh, but he hasn't seen me since last night!"

Example #2: Exhausted, I opened the door right into the side of my head. Emotional, I fell into the seat and began sobbing. ...Then I went to Taco Bell and ate $12 worth of food.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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