Go back! My school is that way!
2004-10-20 at 3:19 PM

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Today [actually, many days ago since I wrote this entry when "today" applied, and am now just typing it up]...
Today, I decided was forced to take THE SCHOOL BUS to school. At the mouth of my neighborhood (which is far from where I actually live, way down in the nether-regions of the 'hood) I waited among unfamiliar, sleepy faces. On the bus, I sat among unfamiliar, sleepy faces. Ignoring my growing sense of wrong-bus, wrong-school doom, I simply sat. Once we turned onto Route 1 south, I finally let the heavy truth settle into my small brain: I was on the wrong bus, and on my way to the wrong school.

So, I sat. I sat and waited. Silently, I poked fun at my geeky, klutzy self. As the busTHE SCHOOL BUS(!!!) rolled to a stop, I looked around and saw a high school I had never seen before in my life. It was one of the two new high schools in my county, named Freedom (and wouldn't you know it, their mascot's a damn eagle). Sheepishly, grudgingly, I rose and revealed to the bus driver my true oozing, geeky core.

"Ms. Linda." I knew her from the year before, when she drove for my school.
"Oh, hi! You go to this school now?"
"Well, no."
"You got on the wrong bus!"
"SHH!" I looked around. Luckily, the kids were too sleepy to notice or care.

Assuring me that it was not the first time someone from my neighborhood had gotten onto the wrong bus, she dropped off the Eagles and returned me to Woodbridge High School, where-- for the first time-- I happily joined my fellow Vikings.

Moral: Despite my lack of updates, nothing has changed. I am still a geek, and I still like writing about it.

yesterday ? tomorrow

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