The Diary of Romeo Montague
2004-06-07 at 8:12 PM

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[Note: I will fix the quality of the images below once I have access to PSP.]
[Shakespeare, I beg thee: suck it, you thief.]


Woe is me. Rosaline doth not love me, as lovers in love should be. I shall cry in vain, and in vain I shall die. Woe is me am I.

Tuesday: At the ball, I shall see my lover who doth not love me, and my heart shall bleed and cry like me. Woe is me, but not she.


Be still, my merrily beating heart! To the Devil with Rosaline, and straight to my heart with thee, Juliet! To Earth you are a Capulet, to me, you are... A-OK immaculate. Woe, nevermo'!

Thursday: I must leave my new lover, flee from this city and enter another. Happily meet, we will: happily joined we will be.

Friday: Woe is me, dead is she. At the Capulet's tomb, I will be. Woe is me, dead are we. Farewell, dearest, dearest diary.

yesterday ? tomorrow

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