Eff you.
2006-08-22 at 8:24 PM

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"Jow"/Brian told me--after three dates!--that he'd like to be friends but he doesn't want anything romantic. What?! Who said I wanted romance? I'd really be more than happy with just sex and breakfast! He asked if I'd still like to hang out, knowing that. The answer is no. I'll be his sex friend but not his friend friend, you see? Eff you and your silly friendship!

Now that that door's closed, I will keep my eyes peeled for a sex buddy.


- Must be human.

- Must be between 18 and... Well, the upper age limit will be on a case by case basis. Hopefully there will be many cases.

- Would ideally live by oneself or live with roommates, but not parents.

- Must be able to cook breakfast or at least be able and willing to toast a Toaster Strudel/bagel/Pop Tart/slice of bread or pour milk and cereal into a bowl.

- Must be nice.

- Must smell good.

- Must live nearby.

- Last but absolutely not least, must be single!

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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