Roxy is still intact (but not for long).
2006-12-03 at 6:36 PM

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On Friday I went to a piercing studio. I said I wanted a clitoral hood piercing, I left a cash deposit, and made an appointment for the next day. I showed up on Saturday with a friend for moral support (and a hand to squeeze.) While the guy was preparing the instruments, I was freaking out. All I could think about was the needle and the pain (which, from what I read, isn't very bad although that didn't matter to me at the time). I was thinking about not going through with it, even though I would lose my deposit money. I was so terrified thinking about the needle that when I saw him uncap a marker out of the corner of my eye, I actually flinched and screamed, "What is that?!" Finally, I lay back and relaxed. I was ready for it. Then...he said he couldn't do it. My clitoral hood is too "tucked in" for the piercing. Since I'd finally gotten into the mindset by then, I was really disappointed.

After I woke up this morning, I lay in bed thinking about it... And it hit me like a ton of bricks; He thought I wanted a horizontal hood piercing. He was going to do the wrong piercing! Neither of us specified whether it would be vertical or horizontal. It made complete sense! The horizontal piercing is more difficult than the vertical because the hood has to be prominent/fleshy enough so that the needle can go through one side and out the other without having to be pulled up or out too much. He should've asked and I should've specified, but I also should've picked up on the clues. There were many.

It's not over, though! Roxy will rock the bling, I assure you. Next time: different studio, specify vertical, take Valium beforehand.

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