You won't believe how I made twenty bucks last night.
2006-11-29 at 5:00 PM

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Last night, I was skimming Craigslist and I found this ad:

DJ SHOW in need of a female to do the following recordings. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. Just a good voice, and a microphone.

There were only four lines I had to say, so I thought,"Hey, what the hell? I'll try it just for fun." I had to redo it a few times because I kept laughing. I attached the files to the email and sent them off, not expecting to hear back. When I did hear back, I laughed so hard I teared up. Those of you who know what I actually sound like during normal conversations will understand why this is so hilariously ironic. I have such a childish, high-pitched voice, it even surprises me sometimes! Of course, I did alter it for the recordings. Anyway, that's that. I made $20 in less than 60 seconds. If you want to hear the clips, leave a comment and be sure to include your email address. The email will be from [email protected]. Check your spam box.

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