Gone forever!
2003-12-16 at 4:11 p.m.

2 comment(s). Add yours.

On the 22nd of December, I'll be gone. Gone forever! 10 days. I'll be near Paris, visiting family. Just in case the plane crashes and I die, here are the flight numbers: 914, 489, and 925.

While I'm gone, I don't want TailboneLust to be lonely. Here's where you all come in. I want you people to take care of it. Here's the proposed plan: Anyone at all may submit an entry to be posted in Tailbone Lust. You can submit anything that's funny as long as it's not homophobic in any way. Here are some ideas: Jokes, funny photos, funny/weird news articles, a funny story (personal or otherwise)... Anything, really. I need as many entry submitters as possible. I also need one and only one trustworthy person who would gather the submissions VIA email, and post them onto TailboneLust. I would obviously give that person my password. Yeah. So... For now, I need to see how many people would be interested in this. If you are, leave a comment including your email address and whether or not you'd be willing to be the "trustworthy gatherer"... Hopefully this'll turn out well.

yesterday ? tomorrow

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