Blub, blub, blub.
2003-09-30 at 12:06 a.m.

3 comment(s). Add yours.

I just added another entry a few seconds before this. Read that too.

I keep dribbling water all over myself. (For this next sentence, do not read in between the lines!) I place my mouth over the "sports cap" of my water bottle, and then as soon as I begin sucking it, my hand shakes and the bottle falls out of my mouth and dribbles all over me. (No intended metaphors there! Really.) That's so sad.

How regressed will I be when I get older? How much worse can it even get? I was going to say that food would be coming out of my nose by the time I'm that old, but HEY! That's already happened!

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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