One with nature.
2003-09-26 at 4:07 p.m.

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"I haven't layed outside in the grass and looked up at the forever."

After reading that, I remembered how much I miss rolling down hills, and then laying still at the bottom of them, just looking up at the brilliant springtime sky.

And then I thought about what happened the last time I did that...

I was laying out on the lawn, looking at the bright sky with its feathery clouds, breathing in the scent of lilacs and fresh-cut grass, listening to the birds and grasshoppers chirp, basically being one with nature...

Well, eventually, I left that perfect world and went back inside my little box of technological advances (IE my house). A few minutes later I let out the most awful blood-curdling scream (No, I wasn't joinking).

I had found a dead bug in my bra.

Yeah. So much for "being one" with nature.

yesterday ? tomorrow

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