Pain... and freshmen.
2003-09-05 at 9:12 p.m.

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Hurting: My teeth (feel crammed together but aren't), nose (feels bruised but isn't), left leg (feels smushed but isn't), eyes (feel smushed but aren't), left ovary (feels squeezed but isn't).

Pissed: My bladder (about an hour ago) and me (currently).

Dirty little kids at school probably gave me some kind of virus. Fuckers.

Speaking of little kids, I need to write about what this small-busted pre-pubescent teenager did at school today. Before that though, here's an important message:

Dear freshmen students of Woodbridge High School:
Standing in the middle of the hallway looking lost will not magically make an upperclassman appear before you, asking whether or not you need help.
Saying "This is my table", while standing by an occupied lunch table that clearly belongs to Prince William County and not you will guarantee that a girl with black braided pigtails (that's me) will mock you and laugh hysterically (like I did today) until you feel stupid and leave (like you also did, today).

Love, someone who is older and wiser than you, Pancake

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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