2003-08-13 at 8:45 a.m.

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You're walking down the street/hallway/sidewalk feeling good, smelling the lilacs in the air, humming your favorite song... You're feeling great. Looking around, seeing fresh new faces everywhere, you have no cares in the world.

SPLAT! You trip and fall!

After those few milliseconds of confusion wear off, you look around, still somewhat dazed. You want to make sure no one saw you. You mutter a few obscenities. As soon as you get up, you see a short kid laughing and pointing your way.

"Haha! I saw that! I saw you fall! Nice job, man!", the obnoxious-voiced kid says. Of course, that kid is me.

Hi, I'm Pancake, and I'm a bitch. ;D

By the way, that entry about me not being snobby? I lied.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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