Elisa, toddler for a day.
2003-08-07 at 10:04 p.m.

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This morning I almost poured soda into a paper plate.

I also rolled around the floor, bumping into my mother's feet often, singing "Like a Virgin".

I've been putting off writing about Elisa's mental breakdown... So here it is. She said it didn't happen this way, but she's lying. Ignore her.

Jeni and I were over at Elisa's house one night, and we were hungry. Elisa wanted to cook spaghetti for us. She was PMSing, and in a bad mood altogether. Before she started cooking, she yelled at her mother,"Don't come into the kitchen while I'm cooking! Don't tell me how to cook!" Her mom basically brushed her off. So Elisa gets out two frying pans... She starts making the spaghetti sauce with canned tomatoes, carrots, and corn. She was planning on boiling the spaghetti in a shallow frying pan as well. Being the great, loyal friends that we are, Jeni and I stood in the kitchen making fun of her cooking "techniques". By this time, she was already frustrated. She started fuming when she realized that there wasn't enough spaghetti left to cook with. She stood in the kitchen, her hands clenched into fists, head back, and started sobbing. Being the loyal friends that we are, Jeni and I couldn't help but laugh. Contradicting her past wishes, Elisa demanded that her mother come into the kitchen and help her. With Elisa still sobbing hysterically in the middle of the kitchen, her mother found an unopened box of spaghetti. The instant she pulled the unopened box out of the cabinet, Elisa was already pushing her mother out of the kitchen.

Now, tell me, would anyone who's not PMSing do a thing like that? No. Face it, Elisa. You too act wildly when you're on the rag. ;D

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