Mother, dearest.
2003-08-07 at 8:13 a.m.

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Background information-

I started joinking when I was three. My mother knows this, as she's witnessed my early-joinking days.


Mother: I was so nauseous yesterday. I took two Advils on an empty stomach, and felt even sicker. I turned on the radio in the car, and the first thing I heard was the DJ talking about masturbation. Ugh! I wanted to throw up!

She makes a "vomit" gesture.

Me: So?

Mother: So... Talking about masturbation at 7 AM, when you're already nauseous! Ugh!

Me: Doesn't bother me...

Mother: Well, you're new at it--

Me: You know when I started!

Mother: [laughs] You're right! You do it all the time, morning, noon, night. Doesn't matter for you. I'm the novice at it.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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