This has everything to do with you.
2007-09-20 at 4:30 PM

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"I don't care that you're upset. I just want to come."

"It's just sex."

"I owe you one."

"You're wrong."

"Controlling? You don't have a Ph.D. yet so let's leave the analysis to the pros, okay?"

"I'm sure you learned that you could pout and get your way at a very early age."

"Have a nice life." A few minutes later... "She broke up with me."

"You don't know what you said."

"I'm sorry that you were hurt by me."

Oh, and...when I was upset, it was just because I'm selfish and spoiled. I was also lazy when it came to our relationship. You're also apparently smarter than me, because you can comprehend bullshit statistics regarding a topic that can't be proven one way or another, because it's a belief.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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