I got Funk'd!
2007-02-07 at 7:50 PM

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Last night I made delicious low-carb doughnuts, and I ate them all for a grand total of just six carbs! That was essentially all I ate yesterday.

This morning, I was horribly nauseated. After about forty-five minutes of trying to wish it away, I relented; I walked into the bathroom and knelt before the Porcelain Goddess.

Almost immediately, the doughnuts came barreling up my esophagus. The gunk plopped into the toilet with such force that it caused a tidal wave. It happened so quickly that I didn't even see it. I heard it splash, and then I felt it hit the right side of my face.

I closed my eyes, lowered my head, and sighed heavily.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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