I'm mildly retarded. (Not literally.)
2006-09-05 at 4:07 PM

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Totally skippable background info: Plan B is most effective when taken within 72 hours of having unprotected sex and absolutely ineffective once implantation has occurred, meaning it can't end a pregnancy. Since some doctors won't prescribe it, some pharmacists refuse to dispense it, and because it can be hard to make a doctor's appointment if it's late in the week, it's a good idea idea to back up your birth control. The FDA has approved the sale of Plan B to women ages 18 and up without a prescription, but it'll be a while until that actually takes effect. End of unnecessary background.

I decided it's about time I get Plan B just in case I should ever need it. I wasn't sure if I needed an appointment, so I got the number for Planned Parenthood and called.

"Hello, Sue speaking, may I help you?"

I didn't want Sue to think I was super stressed and in desperate need of emergency contraception, so I said in a false cheery voice, "Hi! I have a question about emergency contraception."

Sue paused. Then: "Um... Sorry, this is Bank of New York." I don't remember if I laughed, gasped, or just hung up. Regardless, after I ended the call, I looked at the number. I was supposed to call 1-800-230-7526...but I called 1-800-230-7826. I hope Sue got a kick out of it. I know I did.

This is so like me. PROOF!

yesterday ? tomorrow

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