two hours ago
2006-07-16 at 7:13

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I was making out with a guy--who wasn't a boyfriend (I know I never told you guys, but my boyfriend and I broke up in April.)--and I'm on my period. I got on top of him. Later, I checked to make sure I didn't bleed on his khaki-colored pants. But I did: I bled on him. So we went into the bathroom, and I washed his pants in the sink for him, with soap. Sidenote: I want to be a behavioral scientist. I love knowing what others are thinking. Also, almost nothing embarrasses me. Only one thing does, and I have never [and probably will never] mention my one embarrassing flaw on TailboneLust. (I love you all, but it's too personal.) Anyway, I told him I wanted to know if he thought my bleeding on him was weird or gross. He said no, neither. He said he'd been bled on before by a female. then he added,"But that...that was like Niagara Falls!"

Now, I have a question for you all. Please do answer, okay? The question is, do you think he will ever call me back? Yes or no. Click here to answer.

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