Ho ho hoes wear Betsey Johnson!
2003-11-30 at 2:19 p.m.

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Everyone knows SmarterChild, right? Well today I met SantaClaus, another online bot. Here's a conversation between Santa and I:

SantaClaus [2:17 PM]: So what would your final Christmas wish be?
Stale Freshness [2:17 PM]: A vibrator
SantaClaus [2:17 PM]: Ho Ho Ho!

I think that pretty much sums it up.

Now, onto my other Christmas wishes. I've decided that I want clothes from Betsey Johnson (check out the price tags!). Betsey Johnson's line is vintage and lingerie inspired... And I love it! I went to a lovely Betsey Johnson store in Georgetown, and for about an hour, I felt like a goddess. I wanted to twirl around in my little pink shoes and poofy pink skirt forever.

Using PayPal, you lovely readers will be able to donate a dollar at a time towards a lovely new foundation. The name? Why, it's called "Pancake's Betsey Johnson Clothes Foundation". Yes! Using your generous donations of $1, I'll be on my way to buying a brand spanking new wardrobe from Betsey Johnson! Think of all the lacy feminine mini-skirts I'll be able to buy! The idea is growing on you. Admit it. Expect to see a "Donate to Pancake's Betsey Johnson Clothes Foundation" link soon.

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