2003-10-26 at 9:11 p.m.

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A preteen just learned the hard way that one should never talk to me on a personal level unless I talk to them the same way. The conversation went something like this:

Preteen: cockers* house burned down
Preteen: this is cockers* friend.
Me: Fuck off.
Preteen: i'm talking to brittany on the phone. she just said "god".
Me: Don't call a stranger a slut, especially when you're looking for sympathy!
Preteen: brittany told me to say that

* Cocker's an online friend of mine.

Here's the point. Use your brain before repeating to a stranger, or anyone for that matter, something that could be taken offensively. If the preteen had said,"Hi, I'm cocker's friend, and she told me to tell you,'MY HOUSE BURNED DOWN, YOU LITTLE SLUT!' ", I'd be fine with that, because I'm used to exchanging friendly insults with Cocker. But to say that to a stranger, out of the blue, and not explain that they're Cocker's words warrants some hostility from me.

Oh, and regarding my PMS guide, just adhere to the rules all the time, because you never know when a woman is PMSing.

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