Bizarre day.
2003-10-20 at 3:22 p.m.

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My faith in the male species has been slightly restored.
After running one mile in gym today, I was overcome with menstrual-like cramps and nausea. I found myself a lovely patch of cool, fresh-cut grass to lounge on, and proceeded to spew out my singeing stomach acid. Mmm! Sexy right?! While I was vomiting, however, a nice guy sat with me. Once all of the contents of my stomach were laid out in front of me, the nice guy offered me a mint, which I refused because it would've made me feel worse. He then helped me up and took me to the nurse's office. Nice.

Ah... More health news. Shaina, a girl I've known since first grade, had a seizure today in school. She has epilepsy. Poor girl.

Oi. Even more news about school! (Am I lame, or what?) I have concluded that highschoolers are among the stupidest people alive. Today was "Little Kid Day". Everyone spruced themselves up (or should I say 'down'?) with stuffed animals, pigtails, and pajama pants. Even the self-proclaimed "goths" had little stuffed animals protruding from their backpacks! It was terrifying. Being the cool kid that I am, I made sure not to don my usual braided pigtails. Nope. No school spirit here.

[OOH! I bought three Marilyn Monroe DVDs yesterday. Woot.]

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