Can't sleep.
2003-08-27 at 4:44 a.m.

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I once drew a cast on someone's leg, and then wrote 'get well soon' messages all over it. That doesn't sound funny, but it was. Come on, trust me. Have I ever let you down?

[Note: I am writing this because I'm bored, can't sleep, and Pablo would rather sleep and masturbate than talk to me. Okay... I'd rather sleep and masturbate than talk to most people too, but still.]

Update: I started thinking about writing on someone, and since no one else was within arm's reach, I wrote on myself. Here's a diagram depicting what and where I wrote:

Yes, really. That's how bored I am. Hell, I was even bored enough to make and upload a shitty diagram of it.

You will pay, Pablo.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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