He tried to dehydrate me. ;(
2003-07-13 at 7:56 a.m.

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Him: Do you want some doughnuts?

Me: No, I'm not hungry. Thanks.

Him: Have you eaten yet today?

Me: No, I haven't. I'm not hungry.

Him: I have some doughnuts here. [points]

Me: Yeah. I'm not hungry... Just thirsty.

Him: Okay. Do you want that doughnut? Are you hungry?

Me: No... I'm just thirsty. Not hungry.

Him: Oh, okay.


Me: I'm so thirsty.

Him: So you haven't eaten anything today? Are you hungry?

Me: I'm thirsty.

He looks around, brushing me off.


Him: Are you hungry? Do you want pizza? Why don't you eat something?

Me: I want something to drink. Nothing to eat.

Him: Uh... Okay. Hold on.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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