Moxy's being naughty.
2003-07-10 at 2:36 a.m.

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I'm too tired to write a true entry, so I'll just list what happened:

1) I put up an away message on AIM.

2) I put a Post-It note on the computer screen.

3) I leaned over the keyboard to write a note on the Post-It.

4) I noticed that my away message turned off.

5) I said, "Dammit, did you turn off my away message?" to my right breast, Moxy. (Yes! They finally have names: Right breast is Moxy, left breast is Trixy)

6) I noticed that Moxy was resting on the spacebar...

That bitch turned off my away message! >:( Little Big fucker.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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