random election thoughts
2006-11-08 at 3:39 PM

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Forget about the Associated Press. Believe you me, dudes. Webb has won in Virginia.

I love northern Virginia.

I love Fairfax County.

I didn't get a sticker when I voted. I was disappointed.

Those electronic voting machines are super nifty.

Harold Ford is: personable, articulate, sincere, and gracious. If you haven't seen his entire concession speech, here it is. Even Chris Matthews (EVIL!) was praising him.

Earlier this year, South Dakota passed a law banning abortions even in rape and incest cases. Planned Parenthood and other pro-choice groups worked so hard to get the signatures needed to put this issue on the ballot and let voters decide. Yesterday, South Dakotans rejected the ban. Today, Planned Parenthood is at the Supreme Court making arguments against the federal abortion ban.

Last night in one of my classes, a young kid (haha, as if I'm not also young) said , "So... When are we going to find out who the next president is?" Everyone was silent for a few seconds before the laughter started. Unfortunately, the kid was not joking.

That's it for now.

Oh, wait. I forgot to say this: Goodbye Donald Rumsfeld and Kevin Federline.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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