Giddy to annoyed in 10 seconds flat.
2006-10-02 at 2:50 PM

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P.S. (Pre Script, duh) My birthday's in TWO days! Squeak!

I'm at the school library. I was just in the elevator a few minutes ago. Everyone was in his or her little corner, the way it is with strangers on elevators. Glancing over, I noticed that the male in the corner adjacent to mine had a Saran-wrapped loaf of bread in his arms. It wasn't even Wonder bread, or any other kind of useless mom bread. (Moms like tasteless sliced white bread for some reason.) It was a huge, unsliced Italian loaf!

I was absolutely mystified as to why this guy would have an entire loaf of bread in his arms. We weren't even in the food building. After two floors, I noticed that it wasn't just bread: it had meats and cheeses jutting out the side. It was a sandwich, which is a lot easier to swallow (PUN! but I mean it figuratively) than a random loaf of bread. For some reason, I was so relieved to realize that he was not some weirdo carrying around a loaf of bread. It was just a [probably delicious] sandwich. My epiphany made me giggle... Yeah, I giggled in an elevator with three strangers. Bread boy turned to me with the most curious expression on his face. Grinning like an idiot, I told him why I was laughing: because I'm retarded and I thought you had an entire loaf of bread with you, and then I realized it's a sandwich, and for some reason it all makes me giggly.

My randomness is not well accepted by most strangers, so I try to act normal when I'm alone in public. But this guy, he totally understood. He laughed, I laughed, and the other two girls were too busy speaking Korean so they didn't laugh. (No, I'm not just throwing out a random language--I'm actually reasonably sure it was Korean because they had that Korean "hu-nuuuuh" word/noise.) Bread boy and I both got out at the library floor, and I wasn't going to say bye, because we never even said hi. So I just walked...and he walked alongside me and kept talking. I smiled and nodded, but I honestly didn't hear one word he said. I tuned it all out.


Next time I will just say goodbye. Seriously. What happens on an elevator stays on the elevator.

Ack. A boy just sat at the computer next to me. His computer was in some Asian symbol language instead of English, and he felt the need to tell me. Oh, wow Nosy. DON'T LOOK AT MY SCREEN. Are you looking at my screen? Okay, I guess he was looking but not reading it, because he didn't say anything.

yesterday ? tomorrow

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