More exciting than feeding Roxy fresh veggies.
2003-11-24 at 11:46 p.m.

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Do you like these types of entries? I wish I could scan the original copies of them. Hmm. Really though, do you like reading about my thoughts as they occur, or after the fact?

It's around 8:00 AM. I'm in art class. I have about a week of freedom in this class, since I finished my art project early, for once in my life.

The day is already off to a good start. Really, I swear to Roxy that I'm not being sarcastic. The day has been exciting so far, and it's only just begun. I'm trying so hard not to burst into laughter and snorts. Maybe it's hypomania, maybe it's just a good day. In the car, directly before walking into school late, I doused myself with perfume.

So I walk inside. I'm at the attendance counter, which ironically looks like a casual cocktail bar. I'm standing in line with about 20 other kids. (Bad traffic this morning.) The normally friendly attendance ladies are crabby this morning. Must be the minimum wage. Moving on. One of the attendance ladies angrily barks out,"Someone smells like alcohol here! Geez! You guys aren't even old enough to drink!" I'm directly in front of the bitch, mind you, and she's going apeshit over the scent of alcohol. I'm pretty sure it was my perfume. You know... Takes a while to, uh...die down. Anyway, the woman (for lack of a harsh yet school-appropriate word) is still getting her panties in a twist over the alcohol odor in the air. At one point, she turns to the other attendance ladies and asks if she should call one our many school administrators. I immediately imagine myself doing a host of sobriety tests. I see myself attempting to walk in a straight line with a heavy load of books unevenly distributed on my shoulders. I see myself failing to walk in a straight line. (I'm not good at anything straight.) Moving back a few notches, the other attendance ladies brush off the crazy female canine/"woman"/attendance monster. It was hard for me to resist chirping out,"Look, bitch! The keg party I've ever been involved with was a non-alcoholic one, and even that didn't work out!" Incidentally, the crazy female canine/"woman"/attendance monster's initials are "A.A."

Finally, I'm creeping into my first period class. Art. As I sit down, I turn slightly to the right, and notice that my new friend's face is heavily coated with black charcoal dust, the way Gerber babies are coated with mashed peas, potatoes, shit, and carrots. Trying hard to contain my laughter and snorts (She's a nice kid [who's much taller and bigger than me and could easily beat me to a bloody pulp] and I wouldn't want to make her feel bad), I make a "you have shit all over your face" hand gesture. After seeing her reaction, I inadvertently let out a little snort/fake sneeze.

I'm now in last period. It's 12:35PM. Our teacher has just informed us that "the movie we are about to watch contains women from the Amazon who are nude from the waist up." She also said that if any of us "have a problem with it" we may leave. Here's what I think: Boobies?! Right on!

Update: Once I got home, I realized that I didn't have my house key. Coincidentally, a skinny little freshman saw me in distress and put up a ladder for me so that I could crawl through my window. Ha. Enough adventures for one day.

Quote: Teacher - "You dropped that."
Student - "Nah, man! YOU DROPPED IT!"

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