Surely I'm not the only one who thinks the drag queen is sexy.
2003-11-13 at 1:12 a.m.

6 comment(s). Add yours.

Any 70's kids in the house? I need your help. The Rocky Horror Picure Show is driving me [more] insane [than I already am]. I've got questions that need answering:
1. Why do the audience members of the movie say lines that aren't even in the movie?*
2. What the hell are they saying anyway?**
3. What's the difference between the UK version, and the US version?

* Example: "Asshole!" and "Slut!", in reference to the young couple.
** All I can understand is "Slut!" and "Asshole!", as you can tell from my comment above.

Clarification: There's an option on the DVD that lets you hear "audience participation". It doesn't show the play, it just has the audio of an audience added on. They say some bizarre stuff.

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