OB: Priceless
2003-10-24 at 3:00 p.m.

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Why is it that I can only find tampons when I don't need them? When I'm looking for change, I literally have to dump out 4 or 5 tampons before I can get a single penny. Oh, and Tampax Pearl tampons? They might as well be used as roach bait, along with every other product Tampax makes. Roxy's heart belongs to OB tampons: Those attractive, sleek cylinders of pure white cotton, corsetted with clear plastic, compacted so beautifully that it never loses its gorgeous Marilyn Monroe-esque shape, and garnished with an elegant braided ribbon of cotton and rayon.
One tampon: $0.25
Five tampons: $1.25
Knowing it's an OB tampon: Priceless.

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