Arg... asuklafjks! KLSDFSD!
2003-09-16 at 2:47 p.m.

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On the way to school this morning, I realized that I had forgotten my book at home. Of course, I groaned and made various other animal noises, but then I calmed down after remembering that at least I had my CD to listen to.

I frantically search for my CD...and find none. No music and no book.

So I get to school already pissed off, and I'm informed that it's picture day. Arg! klsdjfdkf!SDKLJFASKLF! [<---That's how I felt.]

me = pissed off, cold, nauseous, achy.

my picture = nauseating.

Since I've had such an eventful day, I'm going to take a nap now.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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