Pancake and... [eh. Make up your own title that's a spin-off of "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!"]
2003-08-16 at 9:23 p.m.

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Woo. Fun wedding!

No one tripped, but the bride did tell everyone to "shut the fuck up" twice (is she awesome, or what?!), and I got to be a pseudo-bartender.

Woo! I got a lot of tips. I learned how to make at least 10 different drinks (come tomorrow morning, I'll have forgotten them all).

The [very informal] wedding reception was held in their the pouring rain. It was really awesome though.

Bar+mud+high heels*6 hours=muddy feet and shoes. I have to go bathe soon. o.O

Judy said to count to 10 when pouring the alcohol in the drinks. As opposed to counting quickly [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10!], I counted more like "1...2...3...", etc. Yeah. I was just a bit heavy on the booze. heh.


The bride's son (yes, the bride's son) almost poking the father of the groom in the ass with a long sharp pin.

Me, bartending.

Me, making money while bartending.

Me, sampling my creations.

Me, bartending, listening to the "I like this bartender. ;D " comments.

Me, crying during the ceremony.

The 4 year old flower girl pointing at the ring bearer (which was the bride's son) and saying, "He's my boyfriend."

The bride telling everyone to "shut the fuck up and listen to the god damn toast."

Seeing the bride in a corset-gown. (Mmm, corsets. <3 )


Yeah. I smell... Time to bathe.

yesterday ? tomorrow

It might make you feel better
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