2003-05-22 at 12:14 a.m.

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Have you ever stepped back from the toilet, looked in and thought "Damn! I didn't think I shat THAT much!"?

Shat- Past tense of shit, in my dictionary.

I thought I only used that word, but it actually is in the dictionary!

Main Entry: [2]shit

Pronunciation: 'shit

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): shit or shat /'shat/; shit-ting

Etymology: alteration of earlier shite, from Middle English shiten, from Old English -scItan; akin to Old High German scIzan to defecate and probably to Old English scEadan to separate �more at SHED

Date: circa 1720

intransitive senses

usually vulgar : DEFECATE

transitive senses

1 : usually vulgar : to defecate in

2 : usually vulgar : to attempt to deceive : BULLSHIT

Main Entry: shat

past and past participle of shit

[Source: Merriam-Webster]

How awesome is that? Now I can say shat with ease, knowing it's grammatically correct. Also "No way! You're shitting me!" is correct. To "shit" someone is to lie to them. Ha! I love dictionaries.

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